
Glass and Water Cutters

Carbide Cutting Wheels for ULTILE Precision Glass Cutters,  MSE Supplies

Carbide Cutting Wheels for ULTILE Precision Glass Cutters

$ 3995 Save $ 500
Magnetic Substrate Guide for ULTILE Precision Glass Cutters,  MSE Supplies

Magnetic Substrate Guide for ULTILE Precision Glass Cutters

$ 5995 Save $ 800
Diamond Cutting Wheels for ULTILE Precision Glass and Wafer Cutters

Diamond Cutting Wheels for ULTILE Precision Glass and Wafer Cutters

$ 27995 Save $ 3400
Laboratory Glass Cutting Table for Glass, Wafers and Crystal Substrates

Economy Laboratory Glass Cutting Table

$ 53595 Save $ 6500
Long Magnetic Substrate Guide for ULTILE Precision Wafer Cutters

Long Magnetic Substrate Guide for ULTILE Precision Wafer Cutters

$ 7995 Save $ 1000

How to choose the best scribing and cleaving tools for your needs

When choosing the best scribing, cleaving, and wafer-cutting tools for your needs, consider the following options:

  • Pen Style Scribers: These portable and convenient wafer-cutting tools are ideal for quick and simple scribing tasks on various materials. They feature a diamond tip for durability and precision. However, they may lack stability for more intricate or demanding cuts, and their versatility might be limited compared to other options.
  • Laboratory Glass Cutting Tables: These silicon wafer-cutting tools provide a stable and level surface, accommodating different sizes of materials. They ensure precise cuts and offer additional features like adjustable scriber heights. 
  • Precision Wafer and Glass Cutter Tools: Specifically designed for cleaving silicon wafers and glass substrates, these tools offer exceptional precision and clean cutting edges. They include advanced features such as adjustable cutting depths and pressure and accommodate specialized cutting wheels for different materials. 

Scribing and Cleaving 101

Scribing and cleaving involve two primary methods:

  • Complete Scribes: These scribes run the entire length of the substrate. The cleaving force breaks the material along the scoring. This approach suits crystalline and non-crystalline materials, providing controlled and predictable cleaving outcomes.
  • Initiation Scribes: These scribes create a shorter scribe at one substrate edge. The cleaving force breaks crystalline material along the crystal plane and breaks non-crystalline material at the weakest points. This method allows for more targeted cleaving along specific planes or areas of fragility within the material.

Order Scribing, Cleaving, and Wafer Cutting Tools from MSE Supplies

MSE Supplies is your trusted provider for a range of scribing and wafer-cutting tools. Place your order today, or contact us with any questions. Contact us online. Our expert staff is ready to advise you on your project.